Empower the Next Generation

Unlock the potential in your students with CounterPunch's innovative workshops.
Designed for high school staff to foster understanding and growth in young adults.

About CounterPunch

What Is CounterPunch?

CounterPunch is a unique 20 to 24-week program combines the science of boxing with performance psychology to equip adolescents with essential life skills. Addressing emotional regulation, stress management, and confidence-building, our workshops prepare students for success in all walks of life. Tailored for high schools, CounterPunch is the partner you need to transform your educational approach.

Angie Prime

High School Teacher

“Coming into the workshop I was hoping to get some skills and strategies to help students who are dealing with anxiety, depression and to develop some self-regulatory skills...

It's really exceeded my expectations... I mean, I found it most useful for myself which I didn't expect. Merc's psychology background has really taught me a lot about why I behave the way I do at certain times, which I didn't think I'd be coming here to learn about myself, but I really have.

I also found the boxing skills a lot of fun – I think a lot of teachers need to do this course, especially leadership groups, counsellors...


What Parents and Students Have To Say

What Parents Say

About CounterPunch™

"His attitude as well towards school, having a mentor has helped him with school..."

— Jeff Levett

"Not all the teenagers know how to voice, know how to put into words, to stick up for themselves if they're feeling alienated... CounterPunch really brings that out in them."

— Maureen Edwards

"Just a complete new attitude... He's just a lot happier, and he's got direction."

— Mick Raeburn

"He became more communicative at home... He just seemed to have a sense of peace and calm and happiness about him." 

— Kellie Blacker

What Teens Say 

About CounterPunch™

"I know that other people can't control my feelings, only I can."
— Max Lenger

"I can sort of stand up for myself more, I can, I believe in myself more. I saw myself becoming more happy and just a better person overall."
— Ella Neumann

"It's something physical, rather than sitting down and talking... something I was really looking forward to."
— Cooper Martin

"And I'd say it's a very good opportunity to be able to connect with your teenager more... a very big benefit for mental health."
— Angus Greig

What You Will Learn

Good Listening

Proven Techniques For Effective Communication

Learn how to ensure your students receive, understand and embrace information in the way you intend

Tap Into Psychological Needs That Drive Human Behaviour

Learn how to motivate your students using scientifically proven methods to achieve their full potential

The 3 Stages Of Teen Brain Development

Learn the 3 stages of brain development & how to adapt your communication with your students over time

How To Teach Your Students Mental Resilience...

Learn how to develop emotional regulation skills in your students in a non-confrontational way

Why Schools Become CounterPunch™ Certified

By becoming CounterPunch™ Certified, schools take a significant step towards ensuring their students not only excel academically but also thrive emotionally and socially.

Proactive Mental Health Support: CounterPunch equips staff to proactively address mental health issues among students, reducing the stigma and fostering a culture of support.

Conflict Resolution Skills:

Teachers and students learn effective conflict resolution, leading to a more harmonious school environment and fewer disciplinary incidents.

Enhanced Academic Performance:

As students learn emotional regulation and stress management, their ability to focus and perform academically is significantly improved.

Building Resilience:

The program instills resilience, helping students to overcome challenges and bounce back from setbacks more effectively.

Improved Student-Teacher Relationships:
CounterPunch fosters mutual understanding between staff and students, leading to stronger relationships and better educational outcomes.

Community and Parental Engagement:
Certification often leads to increased engagement from the wider community and parents, who see the tangible benefits in their children's well-being and school experience.

Join the CounterPunch movement

Ready to see the change in your school? Fill out our expression of interest form to learn more about how CounterPunch can work with your teachers and students.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is it for?

Adolescents (10yrs +)

What happens during a session?

In this program, teenagers will gain an understanding of how they can switch from external to internal control and take charge of their own emotions. It is a mix of physical activity and discussion to understand how “emotion” works and learn strategies to connect, relate and communicate more effectively with themselves, their peers and the adults in their lives to reach their full potential.

How is it different?

CounterPunch Psychology is unique in that it uses physical activity as a medium of therapeutic intervention combined with a reality therapy / choice theory and performance psychology framework.

The CounterPunch program also aligns with school well-being policies and programs including 

  • Health and physical education Year 6 to Year 12 
  • SACE Integrated Learning Stage 1 & 2
  • Community studies

CounterPunch can also be delivered as an intensive two-day workshop training for parents, teachers, youth workers or service providers who want to learn the CounterPunch method for their own personal or professional well-being. Contact us for more details

Who is it for?

Adolescents (11yrs +)

What happens during a session?

In this program, teenagers will gain an understanding of how they can switch from external to internal control and take charge of their own emotions. It is a mix of physical activity and discussion to understand how “emotion” works and learn strategies to connect, relate and communicate more effectively with themselves, their peers and the adults in their lives to reach their full potential.

How is it different?

CounterPunch Psychology is unique in that it uses physical activity as a medium of therapeutic intervention combined with a reality therapy / choice theory and performance psychology framework.

The CounterPunch program also aligns with school well-being policies and programs including 

• Health and physical education year 7 & 8 

• SACE Integrated Learning Stage 1 & 2

• Community studies

CounterPunch can also be delivered as an intensive two-day workshop training for parents, teachers, youth workers or service providers who want to learn the CounterPunch method for their own personal or professional well-being. Contact us for more details